A small victory.

August 17, 2010

I’m five months pregnant.
I’m carrying low.
My boobs are ginormous and heavy.
My belly sags a bit with the weight of it all.
And today, for the first time EVER, it was okay that my stomach pokes out.

That may not sound like such a big deal to those that don’t struggle with the daily body issues that I have been dealing with for the past few years.
But for a woman that has felt that the way she looks means that she has no right to take care of herself, no right to stand up for herself, no right to look straight into the mirror, this tiny bit of acceptance amidst a hormonal time of feeling as though my body no longer belongs to me…
It’s a very big deal.

2 Responses to “A small victory.”

  1. Kristin said

    I wish I could tell people I was pregnant. Not because I want that, but because that would explain the huge bulge in my middle. Or a parasite that laid eggs in my spleen. Would THAT make me pregnant (with bug larva) or infested? ::Ponders::

  2. Lish said

    You do not have a huge bulge in your middle. You’re gorgeous. I’ve always thought you were just stunningly beautiful, dork.

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